Red Deporte continues to empower the population of sub-Saharan origin residing in Madrid, with the aim of reducing their dependence and increasing autonomy, especially in the economic and labor spheres. Over the last year, Red Deporte has had the privilege of collaborating with SERCADE’s African Programme, which promotes networking of migration entities to promote a dignified reception. The activities have been carried out at the SERCADE day center, as well as at the Casa Boza residence, to promote socio-labor insertion and the creation of lasting support networks.
The work of Red Deporte has consisted of promoting socio-labor insertion, through activities based on football and classroom workshops. Sports workshops are held at Casa Boza with mixed socio-educational intervention teams from Red Deporte and SERCADE. Interpersonal skills are worked on in a playful, very open and participatory environment. In the SERCADE day center and Casa Boza, workshops are carried out in the classroom, addressing all aspects of the journey to employability: curriculum development, presentation and interview reinforcement, job search techniques on the internet, organization, habits healthy or personal and interpersonal skills.Â
The objective of Red Deporte is to level the access to employment terrain, for a population that urgently needs it and who, due to cultural, linguistic or social factors, find this task very complicated in many cases. The majority arrive in Spain in disadvantaged conditions, with very numerous obstacles they encounter in their life project, the main objective being to find a place in sectors such as hospitality, construction, logistics or services. However, there are also numerous supports, institutional and social networks and fraternity, which also occur in the sports field, to which Red Deporte contributes.